First, please notice the link to the right that goes to Candace´s homepage. It´s worth the time to surf there.
Ok, when we where heading to ALV we suddenly heard a noice from what I guess was from one of the tires and the brakes. We could hear the sound for about ten kilometers and I thought of a lot of possible scenarios that could happen. I prayed silently and nothing more happened.
The second risk of catastrophy: We, that is Victoria, Hanna, David, Johanna, Tobias and Berit, spent half a day in Borås.
We ate at Mc´Donalds, spent some money on clothes and icecream and while Hanna, David and I waited for the others, near by the parkinglot, our children decided to hunt the pigeons. It was a kind of street where only busses are alowed to go. I saw one coming, said to Hanna and David to wait. When the bus passed by us, Hanna ran out to hunt the pigeons again, only to see another bus coming from the other direction. She ran over the street just a few meters from the bus. It was seconds from a huge catastrophy.
Now to a question. What would you do/say now?
Tomorrow I will give you: A day of celebration, swedish cake, blue and yellow balloons.