måndag 23 juli 2007

Och så ett par bilder

Ok, jag har inte skrivit något innan, men när jag väl gör det blir det tre inlägg på en kväll. Men alltså, jag tänkte att ni kanske vill ha bilder också. Det får bli två på Hanna idag. Hoppas det funkar. Hörde tidigare att Em hade problem att få bilderna på rätt ställe.

Vår videospelare gick sönder för en tid sedan. Till Davids stora sorg; han älskade Nalle Puh-filmen som han nu inte kan titta på. Hursomhelst. Emanuel föreslog att barnen skulle få öppna videon, för det kan ju vara kul att skriva isär nånting, se hur det ser ut och få lov att mickla med en sån pryl. Så när barnen kom hem från förskolan idag gjorde vi det. Strax förvandlades det hela till ett räddningsprojekt eftersom den älskade Nalle Puh-filmen satt kvar i videon. Satt fast i videon. Barnen tröttnade rätt snabbt och sedan tog det mig en halvtimme att få loss videobandet. Och jag vet inte om det egentligen klarade sig undan alla faror på vägen. Skruvar, hårda kanter och rosa klägg (vad gör det i videospelaren?).

Några har undrat hur det är med Hannas brännskada. Jodå, den läker som den ska, har varit nästan helt torrt hela tiden.

Nu ska jag gå och lägga mig. Gonatt!


Sommar för mig ska innehålla Sommar i P1. Men i år har jag inte lyssnat på ett enda helt Sommar-program! Konstigt med tanke på allt regn...Eller kanske inte. Jag har för vana att lyssna på radio när jag både 1) är ensam och 2) ska jobba. Och nu har vi ju varit tillsammans i familjen mest hela tiden. Men som tur är kan man lyssna på dem i efterhand; programmen ligger kvar i 30 dagar. Och idag, när Emanuel jobbade första dagen, barnen mjukstartade på förskolan och jag skulle få lite gjort här hemma, tog jag chansen att lyssna på sommarens två första pratare.
Ulf Lundell var trevlig. Han lockade väl fram mest känslor hos dem som liksom han själv minns det glada sextiotalet.
Mark Levengood är oemotstådlig. Jo, jag har försökt med motstånd: ”Äh, han är ju bara en mysgubbe som upprepar sin småskojiga historier om sin smågalna mormor och får allt han varit med om att verka lustigt”. Men Mark gick ut hårt med en historia om penispasta. Jo, han kan berätta en historia. Det finns vissa människor som kan det. Jag har en sådan väninna. Samma händelse som jag själv varit med och upplevt kan hon återberätta så jag kiknar av skratt. I sådana fall har jag ju dessutom en garanti för att hon faktiskt håller sig till sanningen, vilket vi ju inte har när det gäller Marks historier. ;-)
Det var lite allvar också. Se andra i ögonen. Då behöver du inte vara rädd. Och Jonas fick mig att gråta med ”Aldrig ska jag sluta älska dig”.

Hej från Vic...

Emanuel har ju antytt att vi tillsammans ska blogga här! Men han skrämmer mig lite med sina höga ambitioner för bloggen. Själv kan jag möjligen bidra med lite småprat. Om vad vi gjort. Eller vad jag kan komma ihåg att vi gjort. När jag råkar ha tid att sätta mig. Mest om barnen, antar jag det blir.

Och jag skriver på svenska. Jag blir bara dum på engelska.

Återkommer strax.

lördag 21 juli 2007

How many miles have been written about the release of this book?? Some people have got their hands on this book in advance (how is that possible?), and reveald what´s going to happen, who will get killed.
According to SvD there´s a lot of criticism from those that read books in this genre (fantasy).
“the books are just copies from many other, so much better fantasynovells…..it´s as loving McDonalds because you´ve never eaten a lobster. “ The world of J K Rowling (in contrast to Tolkiens world) doesn´t hold together. The language is not very qualified either : “…said Snape..”, “…said Harry…”, “…said Hermione…”, “…said Ron…”(all those in just one page!).
Those that speak about genusperspective have made some criticism around the stereotype genderrolls: giggeling girls and brave boys.
I´ve read before that when J K Rowling wrote the first book, she was quit poor, and had to borrow money from a close friend. She returned what she borrowed by giving her friend a new house.
Signe Carlberger a potterfan and one of two persons behind the swedish fanclub (http://www.rowlingfanclub.com/) recommend a few good fantasybooks: Stardust by Neil Gaiman. According to her it´s a beautiful and fun ferritale about the magical Fairie, a place border to the village Wall.
I love Tolkien and C S Lewis. I have not read even one Pooterbook, but seen the movies.
Yesteday I saw Eragon. I say that noone can compete with Tolkien, but I like to dream away sometimes…and I want a dragon.
Recently I read that the ice in the glaciers is melting even faster than they have estimated before. Nine people have died in Rumania because of the extrem heat there. In England there are raincatastophies. Jennifer Aniston showers and brushes the teeth in three minutes. “two minutes in the shower is as much as one person needs/uses in Africa….per day.
A couple of days ago we could bbq and fill the small pool with water and let our beloved children bath. Of course Hanna burnt herself on the hot bbqgrill.

fredag 20 juli 2007

Sooner today I will write about nature, a certain book and the summer and maybe........but until then: we sung this song in sundayschool when I was five (My mom can verify if you ask her):
"Here comes Jesus, walking on the water, he helps me up and he rises me up" .
It´s a funny song I agree, and it´s easy to just laugh over it (and you are alowed to laugh), but coming to think about every sentence, it´s all true and heartlifting.

söndag 8 juli 2007

I guess I hoped to get som good bibleverses and perhaps a smaller testimony around this subject/ the questions. Here´s what I think: Give with a willing heart. Listen to what God says to you. A dime is sometimes moore than a dollar, and if you can give once and never again, it´s better than not to give at all.
I think a lot of what to do with the blogg. It should be possible to do something bigger/more about it all. How to reach to all on internet?? What is addicted reading??? Is it possible to combine several bloggs to discuss certain important areas/subjects???
For instance: My passion is….my ambitions and hopes are…..The testimony of…..
If all christianslinked to each other, or to certain subjects/bloggs, how large/good would it be??? At least I want to do something more than just wright “cute” stuff and show “nice” pictures. How about you???

fredag 6 juli 2007

It says that Bill Gates is not the richest man in the world anymore (for now at least). He is "only" number two. I think many of you know that he has given away a lot of money on science and humanitarian aid. And I think – even if I haven´t investigated it so much – that he has done it in a right way. Now, the richest man says he will give of “the fruit” too, but never give away the tree that gives the fruit. Meaning that he never intends to sell what produces the money for him. I think that he wouldn´t even notice if me and my family got….let´s say 200,000 dollars.
How does he think when he gives money away? Is it good to give just once, or is it better to give to a special “project” or people for a long period/regular basis? And to what level shall the project or people get money/help? Does the word to “send your bread over the water” spread it out for the wind? When you have little or much, what is the wise way to do? Shall I give little to many, or much to one? Will the richest man do good or will it in long term be worse? Is he going to plan/decide himself, or does he has wise people around him?
Notice now that I haven´t placed my opinions in this. I just give questions now.

torsdag 5 juli 2007

No pictures today. The family, together with Victoria´s sister and husband with child, went to Stockholm and "trainmuseum".
We had good weather, but it´s worse in the souther parts of Sweden. Actually I read in the newspaper that it hasn´t been this bad (amount of rain under june) since 19th century.
So today I will give you a riddle (actually it´s a very famous one. I will not give you the link yet):
"What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?"

Tomorrow I will have some kind of philosophical thoughts together with you. It´s about money, giving, Bill Gates and the richest person in the world (when it comes to money).

onsdag 4 juli 2007

Sports: It´s tennis at wimbledon now, and maybe something big is going to happen: the tennislegend Bjorn Borg is perhaps losing the incredible record of five wins in a row.

It´s 4th of july! A day of celebration.

The release of the new Harry Pottermovie.

Weather: flooded areas in Sweden risks to get more rain this week.

The terroristhunt in England has a new face: Seven of eight captured are doctors.

Shie and Jonas writes about: roadtrip, wedding, Simon´s Acproblems, a 4,5 pound steak.
Mir and Sam writes about: a flat town, marriage, Christian a new familymember.
Johanna writes about quitting her job.
Jay and Andrea writes about: a 30 yard dumpster
Kenton and Jen writes about: some people getting knocked over and hanging on basketball rims.

tisdag 3 juli 2007

Time flies. It´s three years since our son was born. The water broke when we had friends over for dinner. Some more hours and David saw the world for the first time. I greeted him welcome the same way I did to Hanna: Welcome David, born free! (I have borrowed the words from All human rights – universal declaration of human rights, declaration 1).
When Hanna was really sad and cried a lot – She is really sad that she is born in the winter and not in the summer – I told her how it was when we came home from the hospital. How gentle she was with David, giving him lots of toys around him where he layed on the floor.
On the picture you can see how she played today (with the doll and all the toys around it), and told David the true story I just wrote about.
David, as well as Hanna (!), got a lot of gifts today. He has enjoyed them all for a long time today. Thank you all!!! Besides that we served coffee and swedish homemade cake.
Tomorrow I will give you a few more pictures and give you some newsupdates.
What say you about this link??

måndag 2 juli 2007

First, please notice the link to the right that goes to Candace´s homepage. It´s worth the time to surf there.

Ok, when we where heading to ALV we suddenly heard a noice from what I guess was from one of the tires and the brakes. We could hear the sound for about ten kilometers and I thought of a lot of possible scenarios that could happen. I prayed silently and nothing more happened.

The second risk of catastrophy: We, that is Victoria, Hanna, David, Johanna, Tobias and Berit, spent half a day in Borås.
We ate at Mc´Donalds, spent some money on clothes and icecream and while Hanna, David and I waited for the others, near by the parkinglot, our children decided to hunt the pigeons. It was a kind of street where only busses are alowed to go. I saw one coming, said to Hanna and David to wait. When the bus passed by us, Hanna ran out to hunt the pigeons again, only to see another bus coming from the other direction. She ran over the street just a few meters from the bus. It was seconds from a huge catastrophy.

Now to a question. What would you do/say now?
Tomorrow I will give you: A day of celebration, swedish cake, blue and yellow balloons.

söndag 1 juli 2007

As you may have seen, it rained quite a lot the first day we were at ALV. I realized that I am not only short on goodlooking clothes, but also on real raincoats. The one I had functioned the other way around. It was like bees to honey. But I am sure you agree with me that it´s just because of the “unexpected” or “special happening” that you remember it better. A time worth remember. It´s like 70 hours in a car, singing “100 bottles of…” or discuss important issues with close friends. Do I recommend you to visit this place? Yes!

Tomorrow I will tell you two things I experienced that could have ended in catastrophy.
Speaking of climateexchange; Here are some quotes and links that give light to the global warming and how close to disaster we actually are:
"According to Dr. James Hansen, a top climate scientist at NASA, it´s much more important to hurry than we thought. “-If we wait ten more years this way, we will pass the point where it´s impossible to make everything right again. It would be as warm as it was thousands of years ago…” …”if we shall have any chance to change anything it must happen whithin one, two or three years.”
Freely interpreted from expressen.
Av Lisa Jannerling expressen

The top climate scientist at NASA says the Bush administration has tried to stop him from speaking out since he gave a lecture last month calling for prompt reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases linked to global warming.

The scientist, James E. Hansen, longtime director of the agency's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, said in an interview that officials at NASA headquarters had ordered the public affairs staff to review his coming lectures, papers, postings on the Goddard Web site and requests for interviews from journalists.

The authors use the model for climate simulations of the 21st century using both "business-as-usual" growth of greenhouse gas emissions and an "alternative scenario" in which emissions decrease slowly in the next few decades and then rapidly to achieve stabilization of atmospheric CO2 amount by the end of the century. Climate changes are so large with "business-as-usual", with additional global warming of 2-3°C (3.6-5.4°F) that Hansen concludes "'business-as-usual' would be a guarantee of global and regional disasters."
"Climate effects may still be substantial in the 'alternative scenario', but there is a better chance to adapt to the changes and find other ways to further reduce the climate change," said Sato.
While the researchers say it is still possible to achieve the "alternative scenario", they note that significant actions will be required to do so. Emissions must begin to slow soon. "With another decade of 'business-as-usual' it becomes impractical to achieve the 'alternative scenario' because of the energy infrastructure that would be in place," says Hansen.
"Civilization developed, and constructed extensive infrastructure, during a period of unusual climate stability, the Holocene, now almost 12,000 years in duration. That period is about to end".
Dr. Hansen has been saying for three years that we have, at best, ten years to stop the rise in CO2 emissions and start their decline, or the earth will become 'a different planet' than what we have taken for granted for thousands of years. But we have seen very little changed in government policy and it appears that Dr. Hansen feels it is necessary to take it up a notch.

Twentieth century sea level trends, however, are substantially higher that those of the last few thousand years.
Since 1993, an even higher sea level trend of about 2.8 mm/yr has been measured from the TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimeter.
Recent observations of Greenland and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet raise concerns for the future. Satellites detect a thinning of parts of the Greenland Ice Sheet at lower elevations, and glaciers are disgorging ice into the ocean more rapidly, adding 0.23 to 0.57 mm/yr to the sea within the last decade.
A global temperature rise of 2-5°C might destabilize Greenland irreversibly.

Yes, we are home again!!! A couple of days away from home is what our beloved children can bare. Even if they have had great days, they have realized that home is best. Or as David said (sort of…..in swedish) “I don´t live here (putting out his hands, looking around in his grandmas home), this is not my “nest”.
The following days I will give you rain, laughter, two frightening moments, roaring waterfall and one thing I need and want comments on.