Vi lyckades inte riktigt få till julstämningen där hemma på Julafton. Men vi skulle ju fira den hos mamma och pappa, så det gjorde ingenting. Där var det julstämning!
Och god julmat!
Barnen fick gå skattjakt.
I år läste vi julevangeliet ur Min Bibel berättar. Det var ju lite speciellt...
Vi vuxna hade fått varsin hemlig tomte. Bara en klapp per vuxen, alltså.
Men barnen skulle få några klappar var. Det blev en stor hög under granen!
På Juldagen röjde vi runt hela fömiddagen och Emanuel lagade god mat. Vi lyckades nog få till lite julstämning hos oss också.
Gammelmormor Ingrid och farmor Berit kom med vackra blommor:
Hanna och Therese samtalar medan Isac kollar på David som spexar för farmors kamera:
Kanske fick Berit till några bättre bilder än vi?! Man kan ju hoppas.
Isac kollar upp saken:
På kvällen tyckte jag det var skönt att strunta i tvätthögen...
...och istället lägga mig i sängen med julklappsböckerna:
Barnen fick varsin tavla av Berit i julklapp! Hanna hittade en plats för sin tavla i köket:
Hon hjälpte också David att välja en plats för sin tavla:
Runt hörnet hänger förresten en bild som Marie tagit som vi är väldigt glada för:
Ja, det var den här julen. Men vi behåller väl julstämningen ett tag till hoppas jag?
Annandag och söndag har vi bara varit hemma själva. Igår kväll gick Em och barnen ut vid halv åtta (!) och hade en rolig stund i snön. Jag stannade inne.
Idag roade vi oss med att göra en borg av socker. Rebecka var ju inspirerande!
Det var länge sedan jag bloggade. Vi har många bilder jag skulle kunna dela med mig av... Här kommer i alla fall några från de senaste dagarna:
Lagom till födelsedagen kom snön. Så nu är han lycklig, när han får skotta:
Och det kommer bara mer och mer. En bild från idag:
Hanna och jag var uppe och fixade en frukostbricka till födelsedagsbarnet. Hon hade gjort ett kort också:
Som ni vet åkte vi iväg på kvällen. Em och barnen lekte sommar:
Men jodå, julen står för dörren: (Hoppas han med grankostymen får bra betalt. Typ pinsamhetsbonus.)
I spegeln ser man Hanna som provar en badrock:
Julbak! Eller...mest lek och häng! Det blev några pepparkakor - en del till och med dekorerade - och några marsipangodisar. Duracell-kaninen Nina gjorde kolagodisar också. Finaste vännerna med två av sönerna:
Som sagt, fler bilder finns. Detta var de jag hittade i en hast. (Påminn mig om att jag ska börja använda albumet igen, så kan ni få se fler...) Nu är "Kalle och chokladfabriken" (filmen är bättre än boken) slut och jag ska få mig och ungarna i säng.
fredag 18 december 2009
Tack alla för en lugn och fin uppvaktning. Jag fick en hel del smsmeddelanden och några skickade brev på den gamla "posten-vägen". Dessutom fick jag några uppskattade presentkort. Tack. Men bäst av allt var ändå Hannas och Davids grattiskort! Ni ska få se några bilder på dom och vad familjen och mina älskade svärföräldrar gjorde den 16:de. Och kan ni tänka er.......jag har fått den första timmen på en helikopterförarutbildning!!!! Det har alltid varit en av mina drömmar. Nu får just den här drömmen fortsätta vara just en dröm, men jag är glad och tacksam till min älskade fru, att jag fått just dethär!
lördag 12 december 2009
It was my intention to make a new, long blogentrance. There are so many thoughts in my head right now, but I simply can´t get them out....not just now. And so I stumbled on this video (I´ve seen it a couple of months ago) again. And the long blogentrance will have to wait. This says so much!!!!!!!
Visst har jag tänkt på ett antal möjliga de skapar sig inte genom enbart tankekraft. Nåja, tills vidare får ni roa er med en film. Kramar från Victoria till alla nära och kära, här och där.
lördag 21 november 2009
It was easier said than done.........that to give our blog a new face or perhaps extreme makeover. Maybe someone can give me som tips?? I am still trying on another blogentrance and am sure I will succeed eventually, but good ideas are never wrong! I want brighter/happier colors. Personal pictures.... and so on.
Recent nights, I have had some difficulties to sleep. And this night I had a real horror nightmare. Me, our son and a neighbours son went out jogging. We came to a steep mountain, started climbing.....not looking down. The first and second round was tricky, but the third time the neighbours son stopped and somehow pushed our son so he lost grip and fell. He didn´t scream or sound. He just fell, trying to reach whatever he could get hold on. And then there was just silence, and emptiness. I wonder if this dream sort of tried to help my brain get over the traumatic period of sickness? You know, it´s not always easy to be a nurse, knowing little about many things. A simple cold can in my mind become a heart attack or whatever.......when it comes to my children that is!
Something thoughtfull: " A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes." The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. "Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, " I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things-your God, your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions-things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car.The sand is everything else-the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out to dinner. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal." Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand." One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."
The night between sunday and monday was a bit hard on our son. Before that I was glad that he handled the days in fever above 39 degrees C without getting any febrile convulsions. But now it happened this night. Fortunately we had medication against it. The complications he has endured till now: pain in lungs, heart, stomach, legs, left shoulder and arm, earpain, dizziness, and so on. We went to the doctor yesterday. Overall and most important: Lungs and heart are ok! And seems that he is better today!!!! Thank you all for thinking and praying for him.
Now he sits beside me, looking at "bolibompa". The programleader shows her stampcollection and tells the children that when she was young, computers didn´t exist. I told David that I have a stampcollection too. He asks: Why didn´t you send email back then? .......But dad, you told me that you didn´t live a long time ago (förr i tiden).... that is really old...... When he says so, it feels that I lived when the faraos existed, or the dinosaours walked on earth!
Soon I will redesign our blog. Hope you all will like it....
Our son is sick! Three weeks ago he begun to cough. Two weeks ago he got vaccinated against the new flu and that weekend he got fever. The fever came back this friday :-( . Together with a worsening cough also stomachpain, arm and legpain, headache and "heartpain" and earpain ( according to himself a ten on a painscale).
I am certain that all this is not complications to the vaccine. Anyhow, he is sick. And I want you all to pray for him.
And to anyone who read this and haven´t allready been vaccinated: Go as soon as possible!!!! I have in my work seen enough!! This flu is nothing you want to play with!!!! If my word ever have been something to listen too, this is the time to listen extra carefully!!!! For you and for the ones around you: Get the vaccine now!! I beg you on my bare knees!
Here are finally some pictures on our new bathroom! Enjoy.....
On the last picture you can see that they put the mirror upsidedown!!! So clever....not!
And to make you even happier, I will give you what I think you´ve allready seen.......the jk wedding still gives me tears of happiness.
We went to make a short visit to my mothermother, Ingrid who, the toher day, came back from hospital undergoing a surgery. It was good to see her up walking again. Then we ate at a restaurant in Tumba centre and after that headed to Grödinge kyrka. We wanted to visit fatherfather and fathermother. I noticed that it would have been fathermothers birthday.
Our children bent down to the earth saying "happy birthday". We put four candles.
I don´t like problems!.........Do you? When it comes to our new bathroom, we´ve had some hateful problems. It begun when they worked with it. All the workers spoke in polish! We live in Eu and it´s apparently ok to hire cheap in other countries. The man putting up the tiles hadn´t been informed how we wanted the pattern behind the mirror and around it. It ended up with him tearing down ten or more tiles. Then they put the waterpipes ugly behind the closet, and connected the towel dryer wrong, and some more problems. They fixed it of course.....but I don´t like problems. And so, I think it was this monday, we experienced a stop in the closet! I was afraid that their work was wrong here too. A guy from Comfort (not the company that made our bathroom) came today to fix the problem. He said a tube was in wrong dimension, wright under the closet, fixed it. I wrote a mail to the company that I assume they will pay at least the half och the bill. And so.....we´ve been in need for a new washingmashine. My wife´s parents have helped us financially here! I am truly thankfull, and wish they will get highly blessed for this, and so much else they help us with. Some guys came with the new mashine. I discovered right away that it was demolished on one side. They agreed without any arguments. The evidence was too clear for anything else. I just wonder how they could not notice this before!!! So now we have to wait until friday......and did I mention that I don´t like problems?????
onsdag 21 oktober 2009
It´s time to make a declaration. Look at a persons life. In the beginning you are a baby, turn into a child, then youngster/youth, man/woman, old man/ old woman......dead. I guess that people think different to when you turn into a man/woman, or into old man/old woman. If you ask my daughter, I am an old man already, but if you ask me, I´ve just turned into being a man. Anyhow, most of you will perhaps say that when a person turns into 40, then it´s definitely OLD. Well, I will be just that in december. And how shall I say so noone will be hurt. I am an introvert person. Of course I love you all very much, but I have never really liked crowds. It´s hard to just talk a little with everyone instead of being able to sit down and really get to know the one you talk to. I don´t like the superficiality. I don´t want to make it hard for me, to take time to order food, buy a lot of balloons etc, book place to be at and so forth. Of course I have a huge wishlist, but I think like this: Even if some of the things I wish to have are usefull and important to get right now, everything would sound as shamefull as the respons Paris Hilton gave a reporter: "I would like to have a red ferrari". I am happy and humble when it comes to my life. Me and my family are doing well in many areas in life. I thank our lord Jesus Christ for this, and know that it might not last forever. But many people suffer a lot in our world today. My conscience will turn ugly if I wish for anything but for how I have it right now. My conclusion is: There will be no birthdayparty. I am too introvert for that....but I love you all very much. And if you would like to give anything, give it to Anurag, or Shiloh and Jonas, or Johanna, or Marie and Andreas.
And please take some time to look at some fun videos:
Gårdagens secondhand-fynd. Hanna har valt själv såklart.
David också. Hans supehjälte-blick hittade en cape. Det är en Dracula-cape, men David anser att det är en supehjälte-cape. Därför var det lite svårt att fånga honom på bild. Supehjältar flyger.
Min enda möjlighet att tro är att tro på en Gud som kan allt. Allt.
We lost the soccergame against Denmark. I didn´t watch it, but zapped to the channel seconds before the I guess you can blame the loss to me.... Not.
It´s sunday. The rest of the family just drove to church. I am tired and don´t feel so well.
I have prepared the dinner.
I´ve tried a mensatest today. I got 119. What will you get??
at 10:00 we drove away to Nynäshamn. A nice, sunny and frostycold morning. Our son has a very short temper (as I had when I was small), and he was angry and whined alot when we walked to the car. We set course to a second hand store to buy clothes to our children. One of our neighbours told us recently about how fine the clothes are there. We decided to give it a try and weren´t disappointed at all. We ate pizza, sat by the sea and saw people pulling up their boats. Farsta was the next stop. We had to buy some winterclothings too.
I am tired, have filled my stomach with a nice some great cold coffe.
Scientists have discovered a huge ring around Saturn. (picture from NASA).
I have watched some Seinfeldbloopers. Here are some:
Bilbo the hobbit will be produced soon. We can watch it 2011.
Vaccination against the new flu H1N1 arrives to Sweden these days. Voices says it´s dangerous to take the vaccine, others wants us all to take it. Some wants us to ship some vaccines to our neighbours in Estonia.
Obama is humbled to have won the nobel peace price.
Our daughter got an invitation the other week. She could start practice floorball if she wanted to. She was so sad yesterday and didn´t want to start. She was nervous over this new thing, happening in her life, meet persons she doesn´t know and so forth. And so, today was the big day. I bought new shoes, floorball stick and some new clothes. Unfortunately for me, I worked this afternoon, so Vic had to go with her. I called home to let her tell everything she wanted to say......and she was happy and thought it was great fun.
It´s hard to start the first meaning this time. I would like to say that there are some things that surprises me a lot, but on the other hand is the world so strange nowadays, so I shouldn´t be so surprised anyway.
1. Hugh Hefner lives in huge immorality. I am not sure about the laws here, but common sense says that his way of living is not right. His way of living is not the first reason to why my eyebrows lifts to the sky. It is how the world reacts to this. By wanting to know about his life, to stand next to him and almost glorify him, we nurture his wallet. Noone seems to bother, or should I say everyone gives their acklamation?
2. David Letterman lives in huge immorality. And how does the world react to this? More people wants to follow his show! But what is this? Do you want to be his wife? Is it ok if your partner lives like he does? And since ratings and money rules, the channel won´t fire him for this, and the conclusion is: David Letterman, noughty´re so great.....just go on.
We all should be ashamed of how we behave to this! We owe our children something better.
Vicem twitttrar! Eller i alla fall Vic, vi får se hur det blir med Em. Kolla till höger. Men hur får jag dit en Twitter-logga? Vi måste snygga till den här tråkiga layouten, förresten. Men nu ska jag fortsätta städa och leta efter kameran.
When Shie and Jonas were here, I got a gift I love more and more. It´s hot enough for me, AND it´s spicy. It makes the food get even more tasty! And as I think you know by now.....I like youtube. Recent days I have walked around, smiling for myself over some fun videos. Ever heard of Naga jolokia or bhut jolokia or ghost pepper???? I believe it´s the hottest of the hottest. They are not supposed to be eaten whole, but then again...why not try anyhow? There are a lot of videos of people eating this pepper (and I believe I´ve watched them all) and I have chosen two of them. Believe me......I laugh so much and am happy long time after watching these people. Enjoy.......
Märkligt att jag blir så störd av allt bankande och låtande. Ett tecken på att min stresstålighet inte är som den borde vara, kanske?
Har alltid gillat att vi har en gård som barnen kan vara på. Men de tänjer gränserna...Ena stunden hör jag David och hans kompisar på gården, andra stunden på andra sidan huset, vid bilvägen...
Varför kommer man aldrig ikapp stöket?
Vi borde verkligen skaffa en cykelkorg till Hanna.
Nåt på teve ikväll?
Fint att andra tänker på sånt som att lägga papp på golvet och att ta ner tavlor på andra sidan väggen som ska avkaklas...
Det blir aldrig som man tänkt sig, varför kan jag inte prutta pengar istället för odör? Då skulle vi vara rika...
Alla våra vita handdukar är fläckiga, fast jag tvättar dem i 95 grader med vittvättmedel.
Trist att inte kunna småprata. Det är skillnad att ha en "svensk" hantverkare hemma och en som inte kan ett ord svenska.
Jag får inte glömma att ungarna ska på kalas på lördag!
Vi har många (= 4, typ) speglar hemma nu. Och i badrummet blir det ju en som man faktiskt kan se sig själv i nu.
Ojdå, det var visst rätt stökigt här...
Nu står regnet som spön i backen. Stackars vännerna på kulturfestivalen!
David är så duktig på att rita hjärtan.
Finns det verkligen folk som samlar jultallrikar och tallrikar med djurmotiv...?
David leker i regnet, barfota i sandlådan. Jag tänker inte bry mig.
Kakel spektakel.
Ska han riva köket också?!
Mycket lite av allt man tänker är nya tankar. Det mesta är upprepning.
Det var längesedan jag skrev något i familjens blogg. Nu sitter jag på jobbet och har en ledig stund över. Vissa återkommande perioder i livet, tänker jag extra mycket på familjen. Nätter då jag jobbar, är exempel på en sådan period. När jag sitter på bussen på väg till jobbet, tidiga morgnar, är ett annat exempel. Jag tänker på saker jag sagt och gjort, eller saker jag borde sagt eller borde ha gjort. När jag låg i hammocken och försökte sova idag, kom jag på en situation som jag ville reda ut med min son. Det slutade med att jag senare fick tillfälle att fråga honom om han var ledsen eller arg på mig. Jag avslutade med att helt apropå fråga honom om han var rädd för mig. Då skrattade han nästan till och sa: nehej du, det är jag inte. Nu när jag sitter här, tänker jag på hur dumt jag lagt mitt schema och arbetar flera helger efter varandra. Jag tycker synd om min fru som måste vara hemma med barnen på egen hand, och att vi inte kan vara tillsammans.
Och så ser jag på det enorma arbete som Vic lagt ner för att vårt "badrum" ska bli så fint som möjligt, och vilken ångest hon haft över detta. Vic är det bästa som hänt mig. Jag är lycklig med henne. Tack för att du finns i mitt liv!!!
Idag har Marie och Andreas flyttat. Har tänkt mycket på dem och hoppas att det har gått bra. Här hemma har David och jag gjort en skogsutflykt och han har också tränat rollerblades och skateboard. Hanna var med grannfamiljen till Gålö havsbad.
Sen har jag ju tänkt på badrummet, förstås. På måndag måste vi beställa grejerna, så de finns på plats när de ska börja. Har gjort några bilder, som inte är jättebra, men kanske ger en bild av hur vi tänkt.
Vitt kakel 10x30 cm, turkos glasmosaik (kolla här hur den ser ut) på vissa ytor. Jag är tveksam om det ska vara glasmosaik på snedväggen i duschen - vad tycker ni?!
Kommoden och tvättstället är lika breda, ser inte riktigt ut som den på bilden: