lördag 19 januari 2013

To be human

Can anyone honestly say: I am without sin? I allways do right and good? I never lie?
How much should you suffer for a mistake/fault/wrong doing? For how long time? Till you honestly say forgive me? An hour? A week? Forever?
I believe your consciousness will hunt you, punish more or less forever when you do something really bad to someone. Is that a punishment enough?
We live in a society interacting with people. We have rules to follow. So everything works smothly. When we brake a rule, we get punished. If you drive too fast, you get a speeding ticket. If you steal, hit, rape or kill, you can end up in prison. Is that a punishment enough? Or would you like something more? Is it up to you to set the societys rules?

Let me give an example of today: Lance Armstrong finally says he has cheated like forever. He is sad and asks of forgiveness. For the wrong he has done. He has suffered: stripped of titels, banned from cykling, from sponsors, from assignements. Punished by the rules he has been under. He accepts this. As you will when you drive too fast and gets a speeding ticket.
And he regrets. And he cries over one thing! The closest he has. The most beloved. The most precious. His children. His son who has defended his father. Imagine how you would feel in this situation. Your consciousness will forever hit you. Everytime you look in the eyes of the one you love so much. That you have hurt, probably for years to come!
The rules have speakened. He has been punished. His faults have been payed. And when he reach out his heart and say: forgive me! For my son! For my family, then I forgive!
Other famous characters like Pierce Morgan, or other athletes will punish him more. Even wont accept an apology. Putting themselves over rules and becomes super human beings. Flawless. Without any faults. Like a hord on a city-square. Spitting, hitting.
I too want other punishments in some areas. But I have to talk about it in right forums.
In my eyes, for armstrongs family, I forgive him. And wish him all the best. From now and on. Hug your children. Be with them much more now!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone