Have you ever tried to lay stones? We are, but can see the end coming closer and closer. We use a special type of stone. No stone is similar to another, neither in depth or length. And they are Heavy! I should have followed one of my brothers advice: to draw the shape of the stones on to paper and use the paper as a puzzle. It´s by trial and error you become wise I guess. But why is it that mankind has to “reinvent the wheel “/ do the same mistakes our ancestors did?
And here is another truth: I am stubborn and don’t give up, but the closer the end I get, the more bored of it I become. I want to paint now, not hurt my knees and back, lifting heavy stones.
And here is another truth: I am stubborn and don’t give up, but the closer the end I get, the more bored of it I become. I want to paint now, not hurt my knees and back, lifting heavy stones.

This is David, a tired soon three years old boy. He has cried and screamed for about 30 minutes wanting me to carry him to the bathroom (2 meters away). I sat in the bathroom waiting for him, talking calmly and comforting through his “bad period”.
4 kommentarer:
Em! This is so great. I am so glad you are doing this. Really fun for us and for me to read in English. David looks like an angel (now that he is sleeping!) I miss you all so much. WIll write soon. Internet is not working at home. Say ho to D and H and V and give them big hugs from me.
PS. I also like that you are using Swedish as well! Cool - double language site!
Are you done with the flagstone yet?
Yes! It´s done!!! :-)
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