A couple of weeks ago we had crayfish première here in Sweden. As I walked in the store shopping milk and other stuff, I saw them!! Fresh, swedish crayfish!!! At first I thought not to buy any, but when I remembered that our children haven´t eaten....or seen me eaten any, I choose to buy some. You´re supposed to really suck and sound a lot when you eat them. As you can see on the pictures, the children are really gasping. They ask if the crayfish are alive, if they can bite and so on. Even David wouldn´t touch them.
10 kommentarer:
Did you sing the traditional songs about the crayfish?
We have a saying back home that translates to "Can a donkey know the flavors of sugarcane?" We use it when kids or others don't try new things to eat! Apparently, donkeys won't chew on sugarcane because the outside seems hard, but they really miss out on the good stuff :-) There are many times my mum would say that to us, but now I crave those things that didn't look so good when I was 5...
Va sota barna ar!!! Rorde David och Hanna pa kraftorna?? Jonas
Vilka blickar du får av dina barn Emanuel! Det syns att de tänkte att pappa var tokig som kunde sitta där och äta så farliga saker! Så söta de är! Och hjälp vad sugen jag blir! Måste köpa kräftor... Slurp!
Emanuel, vad hande med troskeln till koket? Jonas
Sam: no we didn´t. Jonas: Njae, dom rörde yttepytte. Tröskeln är inte klar än. Jag har beställt hjälp från Mattias i församlingen.
smarta barn!
Hey! Any news?
Hey, any news?
Hey, any news?
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