torsdag 15 maj 2008

My style 2

It´s expensive with clothes. I like to spend money on my family and put myself last. I have recently become more experienced in shopping, but before that I had: 8 to 10 trousers...of witch I (in various reasons) can use only 3-4. Two of the 3-4 trousers have holes close to the knees....because I´ve been crawling around on the floor, playing with my kids. Two of them I have had even before I knew Victoria! T-shirts: about 10-12 of them. The newest of them I got from Mirjam if I recall correct. Long-sleeve shirts: about 4-5. Almost never use them. They are very old. The newest is a really green one (nice I think), bought when David was under a year.
So I got a gift from Victoria! A personal shoppingservice at Åhléns! You have to book two to three months in advance. I had a warm sweater (with paintstains on them. All of them have that since I´ve used them when painting at home), one of my jeans with holes on the knees, my only pair of shoes (maaaaany years old, and very not nice) and sat down together with the woman to aid me. She asked: What is your style? I meen.....what shall I answer to that? Style? Look at me! Would I come here like this if I had a style? I didn´t say this to her, OF COURSE. I smiled a little said a few things and ended up by saying that I have always wanted to wear 16-17 century long sleeves (those you can see on old "swordmovies"). She said: that doesn´t exist today! I said: I know. She asked: What size is your trousers/jeans? I said: I don´t know!...........
She asked: What size do you have on skjortor(sleeves?). I said: I don´t know!.....
She asked: Do you have kortärmade skjortor? I said: No.
She: But what do you have on when it´s summer and you go out to eat or party?
I: Long sleeves (that is if I ever go out. You guys know me there).
She: Noooo. You will be a true project to me.
A couple of hours later I went back. She had collected 20 - 30 different clothes. I bought about 10 of them. Very expensive for a family but truly in time. When even Hanna can see when I have knew clothes, it´s almost too late.

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ha, ha, ha! Great story! Thanks for sharing! I do wonder what the lady thought about your answers! I´m so glad to hear that you actually bought some new clothes. Con gratulations! You need them and deserved this. Vic, great idea! Good job sis-in-law! :-)

Anonym sa...

Emanuel är så snygg i sina nya kläder. Ögongodis!

(Jag måste dock påpeka att Hanna är väldigt uppmärksam på kläder och dylikt; jag har aldrig haft på mig något nytt utan att hon har noterat det.)


Anonym sa...

That is so great. I can´t wait to see pictures of you wearing your new clothes!

Anonym sa...

Great story! I laughed pretty hard at the 16th century sword costume comment.

Anonym sa...

Laugh out LOUD!!! I laugh so hard I am getting tears in my eyes. Thanks for sharing. What a great story! I hope you get to go more often now.


Anonym sa...

haha, Now I´m REALLY happy that we are able to come to your place tomorrow! I can´t wait to see your new clothes!

Anonym sa...

Fun story. I am so happy you got new clothes, Em. You deserve it. Are you going to get rid of some of your old clothes, especially the sword movie shirts?