söndag 11 maj 2008

My style

Please give me feedback to my question: When it comes to clothes, what would you say is my style? I guess some of you feel a bit awkward now, but relax. The only thing that will happen if you write anything bad about me, is that I erase your answer and never will talk to you again.
(I am just joking).
And when you have answered this question, I will give you a true an perhaps fun story that took place recently. Em

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Jag tror att jag måste svara att din stil är "praktiskt".

Anonym sa...

I always think..."Now there goes a Swede with style!" Hehe!
Anyway, in my opinion, your clothes say that being comfortable is very important to you.

Anonym sa...

how polite of you Shie! In my opinion I am way out of anything close to fashion. I am a "trashank" not caring at all if my clothes breaks down beacuse of all the years. I will soon tell you something funny (to laugh about perhaps).

Anonym sa...

Your style is personally casual and "domestic". Emanually trendy, so to speak...


Anonym sa...

Jag har ju missat hur mycket som helst har alltsa! Nu maste jag lasa alla inlagg.

Emanuel, jag skulle beskriva din stil med "-det gar nog ihop och om det inte gor det sa spelar det ingen roll-". Med andra ord, valdigt mycket likt mig faktiskt. Det ar manga ganger jag blir stoppad i dorren av min fru som undrar om jag verkligen ska ha pa mig dom dar byxorna med dom skorna....Hi hi.

Det ar bra. Min fru vill ju att jag ska se bra ut sa da far hon det.


Anonym sa...

oh... O thought it was Em that posted this. My comment is not about Vic! I always thought Vic had a romantic style!

Anonym sa...

oh.. forget that... it was Em!