söndag 5 oktober 2008


yet another day. I worked this night, came home at nine, went to bed at 1030, woke 15 to 3. It´s raining and I think a lot over the ground under our house. Stormy. Leaves are dancing, yellow, red, brown, free. Played micro olympics on spela.se and splinter cell, chaos theory on xbox, looked at lazy town with my son, while my daughter played a game with Vic. Read Dagen about a parent who for some years ago lived in financial crisis, had to sell their house.
i feel humble and thankfull to our lord that we are blessed and have it as good as we have.

Every time I go to work (especially when I shall work night), I pray that I will get wisdom and intuition when something is not as it should be. And even if it has happened "smaller" incidents, I feel blessed even in this area.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

When in the hospital, I apreciate almost love the night staff so much more than those during the day. I have such respect for those working at night. My experience is that they are much kinder and gentler too!

Anonym sa...

Em! I love to read your thoughts! The entry about the market needing mothers and fathers and sitting down in the boat is really what all need to hear, and the singing in the rain clip (I think it is Fred Astair)is like a giant C-vitamin. It should be mandatory for all people to swallow it whole at least once a week!
