torsdag 14 maj 2009

If you have the time, please look at the whole show. This is extraordinary great!
If you haven´t that much time, go to 11:55, 22:50, 25:44, 50:00.,a1364145,1,f,102967/pb,a1364142,1,f,102967/pl,v,,1540609/sb,p102967,1,f,-1

PLEASE you won´t regret looking at this!!!!!!!!!!

5 kommentarer:

sam sa...

We love that show! That Samuel guy was really good...and I really like Stefan Gunnarsson when he sings and plays piano... but why does Caroline Af Ugglas always have to be on?

mir sa...

Loved this episode. I also enjoy his red/orange socks!

Anonym sa...

But Sam, Caroline is cool! I sort of like her. Em

sam sa...

Yeah..I get the whole Janice Joplin act...and I liked her song in Melodifestivalen...I don't know..she just kinda buggs me on that show.
She is brave!

sam sa...

By the way...we are watching it right now. Friday Night!
Love this show.
And "Design by Simon and Thomas"...