tisdag 14 december 2010


I wanted to show some pictures on our son and his class, when they sang Lucia songs at school....but I can´t sync my phone with the computer!!!! grrrrr

He wanted to be Lucia this year, and ended up being......a lucia!!!!
That was brave......of him but most of us to let him.

He shone like an angel!

Earlier this day a guy from the carservice place called. They found the problem with the airbag.
How important is an airbag for you?? What financial level is the limit for you?
How would you reason about this?? Buying a new car? Let it be? Pay what it costs?
Let me know before I´ll tell what I did and how much....

2 kommentarer:

Sam sa...

Fix it! Merry Christmas kids! A new airbag;)

Anonym sa...

No. Absolutely not. Don't fix it. That is a waist of money. Save the money as a down payment for another vehicle.
