onsdag 8 september 2010

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Last week our family visited close friends to us in Värmland. Vic and I had the opportunity to see the set "A Midsummer Night´s Dream". One of the clowns are a friend of us.
Ohhhhboy! It was truly a great experience! All of them where really good, but Puke and Freja the best! Freja is by the way Hanna Kulle (daughter of a well known person). I am not a frequent theatergoer so what has come to my mind is following: It´s in 2010 not possible to buy a theatershow on DVD! They don´t record them for people to relive it!!?! Talk about lost cultural treasure! I am truly sad over the fact that I wont see this again, or share with my friends this amazing event.
What would you do in my shoes? Just let it be?
This must stop today! I am perhaps talking to closed ears, but I have at least tried to let some instances know the good in recording and saving. I have emailed a lot today (and got some positive answers mind you!), but it´s too late for me to get "A Midsummer Night´s Dream".
And I am sad!