onsdag 21 november 2007

seizures and so on

I noticed this tuesday, when I met David in kindergarten, that he was tired and quiet. He just wanted to go home even though we couldn´t find his gloves. He fell asleep fast this evening. 930 I heard him talking so I ran up and noticed he had fever seizures. This occured one more time an hour later. What would you do and at what time? We´ve spent some hours in "barnens trollskog" today, so can figure out that he is better now.

fredag 16 november 2007

Almost everytime when we pass by the globe arena in to Stockholm city, our daughter says that she and her frined will sing there when they are older. The thoughts to join a concert there, finally became a reality yesterday. We bought tickets a couple of months ago, gave two to Hannas friend, lost ours, bought four new ones in a store with a person not wanting to help at all, and had a good time. The concert started 730 in the evening (a time when our children use to sleep!), and ended soon after 10 ! We went out a couple of minutes before all other thousands did. You can read about Poptimistic here. And see some pictures below.

We´ve spent this day by shopping food, cleaning the car, buying dancing shoes for Hanna....and David slept.....really hard. I wonder when he will fall asleep now?

måndag 12 november 2007


Do you remember Friends? Victoria and I loved that show and tried to follow it when it occured on TV here. When you think of friends, what is the funniest episode you remeber? I´ll share you mine, but first one of many bloopers you can se on youtube.
Look at the epsiode I like the most!

söndag 11 november 2007

what happened 11th november?

This year the King Henry bare not his crown at Christmas, nor at Easter, nor at Pentecost. And in August he went over sea into Normandy. see more
At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends. Germany, bereft of manpower, supplies, and food, signs an armistice agreement with the Allies. The war left 9 million soldiers dead and 21 million wounded, with Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, and Great Britain each losing nearly a million or more lives. see more
Veterans day.

fredag 9 november 2007

Have you heard of streetpainting in 3d before??? I have. These guys are just something extraordinary. Check this out!!

lördag 3 november 2007


Yes I know, it´s more than two days since I last wrote. There are so many things I like to share with you now, but there´s simply not time right now. As Victoria wrote: Hanna is sick. Really sick. The fever doesn´t go below 39 degress C even with medication. This day is a "bed and drink day". It was only David and I that went to Skogskyrkogården. At least two of our relatives lay there. That is my grandmothers parents. This is a day of rememberance and of mourning. Thousands of candles in the darkness, many people visiting the graves. It was really dark. Not many people had flashlights...but we had. I had a map printed from hittagraven with me, so it didn´t take too long time to find the grave of where my grandmothers mother is.

The other day something great happened. Hanna dropped her first tooth. She told that she wanted to give the tooth to the "toothferry". She asked Victoria to write on the letter: Here is my first tooth. It´s the finest and looks like goldlock. You will have it if you want (om du vill få den). She got a gift under the pillow and was really happy with it.

Alla helgons dag

Hejsan alla!

Ja, nu var det länge sedan det kom en rapport från oss. Och vi kan inte ens skylla på något Facebookande. Men kanske på jobb, plugg och sjukdomar.

David har tagit ett par hundra bilder till, men nej, nu får det vara nog med hans bilder här. Fast jag tycker det är väldigt spännande att följa vad han tagit bilder på och fundera på hur han ser på världen! Den som delar det intresset kan titta i galleriet där tre av Davids senaste bildsviter finns i oktobermappen.

Det är mest David som fotar just nu. Men jag tog ett par bilder av Hanna härom morgonen när hon hade dukat upp picnick för några dockor och gosedjur. Rebecka, ser du Rosan?

På barnens förskola däremot är de väldigt duktiga på att fota mycket och sätta upp på väggarna tillsammans med korta berättelser om vad barnen har gjort eller sagt. Härligt att få se! Den här hösten har de tema Vatten. Pedagogerna har byggt en vattenränna av cement på gården, barnen har varit på vattenspaningar och de bubblar, gör is, häller, plaskar och kollar vad som flyter!

I natt kom den första snön, men nu regnar det. Idag hade vi tänkt åka till mormor och morfar, men det är tydligen Hannas tur att vara sjuk nu. Hon har feber. Det går runt, det går runt...Så nu blir jag lite osäker hur vi ska göra. Senare i eftermiddag ska vi i alla fall åka till Skogskyrkogården och titta på alla ljus på gravarna.

Nu ska jag gå och kolla hur det är med barnen. De sitter i soffan och äter godis och kollar på Bolibompa.