onsdag 21 oktober 2009

It´s time to make a declaration. Look at a persons life. In the beginning you are a baby, turn into a child, then youngster/youth, man/woman, old man/ old woman......dead.
I guess that people think different to when you turn into a man/woman, or into old man/old woman. If you ask my daughter, I am an old man already, but if you ask me, I´ve just turned into being a man. Anyhow, most of you will perhaps say that when a person turns into 40, then it´s definitely OLD. Well, I will be just that in december.
And how shall I say so noone will be hurt. I am an introvert person. Of course I love you all very much, but I have never really liked crowds. It´s hard to just talk a little with everyone instead of being able to sit down and really get to know the one you talk to. I don´t like the superficiality.
I don´t want to make it hard for me, to take time to order food, buy a lot of balloons etc, book place to be at and so forth.
Of course I have a huge wishlist, but I think like this: Even if some of the things I wish to have are usefull and important to get right now, everything would sound as shamefull as the respons Paris Hilton gave a reporter: "I would like to have a red ferrari". I am happy and humble when it comes to my life. Me and my family are doing well in many areas in life. I thank our lord Jesus Christ for this, and know that it might not last forever. But many people suffer a lot in our world today. My conscience will turn ugly if I wish for anything but for how I have it right now.
My conclusion is: There will be no birthdayparty. I am too introvert for that....but I love you all very much. And if you would like to give anything, give it to Anurag, or Shiloh and Jonas, or Johanna, or Marie and Andreas.

And please take some time to look at some fun videos:

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Jag älskar dig, storebror.

Det finns så många andra sätt att visa en familjemedlem, släkting eller vän uppskattning och att man värdesätter bandet till dem än att ordna ett stort kalas vid en födelsedag.

Spontan omtanke i vardagen, en fika tillsammans när man kan träffas, ett glatt telefonsamtal en vanlig måndag, ett sms och andra enkla kärleksfulla handlingar spridda över året betyder så mycket mer än ett gästspel under en kort födelsedagsfest.

Å andra sidan behöver det ena inte utesluta det andra. Det finns ju många som verkligen ser fram emot att få ställa till med kalas när de fyller år.

Det är helt ok, man får tycka olika.


mir sa...

Jag håller på att försöka få till ett svenskt postgiro nummer som gör det möjligt att enklare ge till Anurag. Då skulle man även kunna bli fadder till ett barn som man får lite mer kontakt med. Jag ska boka en träff med Pingst Jönköpings föreståndare och missions styrelse för att se om de kan hjälpa till med detta utan att församlingen själv åtar sig något ekonomiskt ansvar mer än att deklaration etc görs.

Jag återkommer så fort något hänt på den fronten.

sam sa...

Great idea! We can use our money towards something that really counts!
Loved the first video

Anonym sa...

Min alskade storebror! Onskar sa att jag bodde narmre. Da hade vi kunnat jobba tillsammans pa ett kul projekt eller tagit en runda i skogen eller nat. Saknar dig sa. Haller med Sam tyckte att forsta och for all del andra filmen var hel kul!


Anonym sa...

Johanna: Jag håller med.
mir: det låter som en bra idé det där med postgironummer.
Sam: somehow the translation disappeared in the last one, when you embedd the video. Of course I liked them all.
J: Det önskar jag med.


Shie sa...

This is such a thoughtful post. It reminds me of Ecclesiastes. You are always thinking about others. Thanks for thinking about Anurag; it always touches me to think that others think about them as well.

I have been thinking about my contribution to life and the world lately and it feels so flimsy so far, but I have to be reminded that I never know what's in store for me...

But, let's focus on the fact that you will be OLD - hehe. I remember your Mom saying that 40 seems so ohhllld, when we were looking at birthdays last year. It's all in our perception, right??

Thanks for the post.