tisdag 13 januari 2009

Perhaps you´ve seen this, or heard about this young boy? Anyhow, if you and I encourage children around us to follow their passion, this is possible. I hope though that this is not fake or that he has been forced in to this. Please listen through it all!!

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Tack, bäste maken, för dina tänkvärda och inspirerande inlägg. Kram!

Anonym sa...

Så FANTASTSIKT! Verkligen intressant film om den indiske pojken! Så BRA att han fick studera vidare och att alla i hans omgivning var uppmuntrande. Han kommer att "gå långt"!!!! Själv känner man sej som en soffpotatis när man tittar på den ivrige och intelligente killen.
KRAM fr mam/Berit/farmor

Anonym sa...

Det ar fantastiskt! Helt otroligt. Han har varit pa Oprah.


Anonym sa...

This is incredible. Thanks for posting this, Em. I am so happy to see that there are people rallying around this amazing kid. He has more purpose in little finger than most people (including myself) in their whole being.