fredag 20 juli 2007

Sooner today I will write about nature, a certain book and the summer and maybe........but until then: we sung this song in sundayschool when I was five (My mom can verify if you ask her):
"Here comes Jesus, walking on the water, he helps me up and he rises me up" .
It´s a funny song I agree, and it´s easy to just laugh over it (and you are alowed to laugh), but coming to think about every sentence, it´s all true and heartlifting.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Yes, it is a beautiful song. You all will have to teach it to me in Swedish sometime.
I am curious about the "certain book" you referred to...I am in my right am waiting for a certain book to be released myself! Less than 24 hours to go :-).